Most people spend a large amount of time in front of their windows at home, travelling in cars to and from work and even in their workplaces, with a percentage of workers working directly in the sun every day. Did you know, Prolonged exposure to these UV rays can lead to the growth of cancerous cells referred to as Melanomas, this can be fatal.
Truman and I lost a dear friend to Melanoma a few years ago, he was in his mid 20’s, taken way too soon, he had a raised little bump on his cheek that turned into a very aggressive cancer. Since his death my business has proudly been involved with the Melanoma Patients charity bringing awareness to getting yourself checked out at the skin doctor regularly, no matter your age and how window films can ensure the effects of skin cancer caused by UV rays are greatly reduced, the films we use offer a 99%+ UV reduction, regardless of colour choice. The decision to keep you and your family safe is an important one.
Apart from the home the amount of heat and glare coming through the windows in office buildings, will blow you away, I must get the actual stats for you but just imagine a glass fishbowl with the sun penetrating the glass and heating it up with enormous power, by adding window film to an office business can greatly improve productivity for the staff, don’t you think being able to see your computer screen is a massive plus right.
Are you someone who works in a fishbowl? You will know what I am talking about. Make a suggestion to your boss. If you are in the South East QLD area, feel free to get in touch for your free house tinting quote :)
glad it is useful